
What to Expect From Your Dermaplaning Facial

Mar 15, 2024
What to Expect From Your Dermaplaning Facial
A flawless complexion rarely happens on its own. Our dermaplaning facials offer a combination of treatments focused on giving you the smooth, beautiful skin you’re looking for in just one visit.

Looking for a way to have ultra-smooth skin and a more radiant complexion — without chemicals, needles, or downtime? Then dermaplaning could be the ideal solution.

Dermaplaning is an advanced cosmetic treatment that removes dead skin cells and fuzzy facial hair that can trap oils and debris, leaving your complexion dull and listless. At Vein Specialists Institute, Ken Jesser, MD, and his team offer dermaplaning facials to help women and men enjoy healthier skin in just one visit.

Dermaplaning: The basics

At its most basic, dermaplaning uses a special instrument (like a scalpel) to expertly remove the upper layer of dead skin, along with fine facial hair (called vellus hair). The result? Skin that looks and feels smoother, healthier, and more refreshed.

At Vein Specialists Institute, we take dermaplaning a step further. Once your initial dermaplaning treatment is complete, we follow up with a steam treatment to open your pores, then a custom facial massage and mask to deeply nourish and replenish your skin.

As part of your treatment, we provide an arm and hand massage, including special massage techniques to improve lymphatic drainage and help skin stay healthy from within. These additions promote optimal skin health and provide a great way to “gift” yourself all-important self-care to help you relax and rejuvenate.

Benefits of dermaplaning

Of course, dermaplaning helps your complexion look its best by removing that upper layer of dead skin and unwanted hair, and it helps your skin feel smoother and softer too. But those are just some of the benefits dermaplaning can offer.

Better penetration of products

Dead skin cells, debris, and excess oils all prevent moisturizers and serums from penetrating your skin, which means you’re not getting the full benefit of your skincare products and routine. 

Dermaplaning removes that upper barrier, helping products reach deeper layers of tissue for more consistent, noticeable, and effective results.

Flawless makeup application

The next time you apply foundation, look closely in the mirror. There’s a good chance your makeup increases the visibility of tiny flaws and facial hairs. 

Dermaplaning smooths your skin surface, supporting smoother makeup application for virtually flawless results. Dermaplaning can be a great way to prepare your skin for social events and photo ops, like weddings and reunions.

Reduced appearance of fine lines

By exfoliating the skin’s surface and removing fine hairs and dead skin cells, dermaplaning creates a smooth canvas that reflects light more consistently. Tiny flaws, like fine lines, are less visible, and your skin looks healthier and more youthful.

Enjoy a smoother, more radiant complexion

Dermaplaning can give you beautiful results in just one visit, and there’s no downtime afterward. Plus, you can have repeat treatments to help your skin stay smooth and healthy.

To learn more about dermaplaning and how it can help your complexion look and feel its best, request an appointment online or over the phone with Vein Specialists Institute in Palm Desert and La Quinta, California, today.