About 55% of women and 45% of men have spider veins, and they grow more common as you age. If you’re troubled by the appearance of your spider veins, vein specialist Ken Jesser, MD, and the team can help at Vein Specialists Institute in Palm Desert and La Quinta, California. It’s the longest active vein practice in the Coachella Valley, with more than 22 years of experience in treating spider and varicose veins successfully. All spider vein treatments occur in the Palm Desert office, so call the office or book an appointment online today.

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What are spider veins?

Spider veins, also called telangiectasias, are small thin blood vessels visible under your skin. The most common areas for spider veins to appear are the legs and the face. About half of Americans have spider veins today.

What do spider veins look like?

As their name implies, spider veins can look like tiny spider webs. They may also look like tree branches or lines against your skin. Spider veins are usually red but can also be blue or a purple color. Unlike varicose veins, spider veins don’t protrude from your skin.

Do spider veins cause symptoms?

Spider veins don’t usually cause physical symptoms, but many patients dislike the way spider veins make them look. In cases where spider veins do cause symptoms, you may experience:

  • Aching
  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Cramping

Spider vein treatment at Vein Specialists Institute can expertly address both physical symptoms and appearance concerns.

What causes spider veins?

Many factors can contribute to spider veins, including:

  • Heredity
  • Pregnancy and other hormone fluctuations
  • Weight gain
  • Extended periods of standing
  • Certain medications

In some cases, the underlying cause of spider veins isn’t clear, but regardless of what caused them, there are effective treatments available at Vein Specialists Institute.

How are spider veins treated?

Spider vein treatment options include:


Sclerotherapy, the gold standard for spider veins in the legs and hands, involves injecting veins with a special sclerosing solution. The chemicals in the solution cause the treated vein to collapse. You gradually absorb and eliminate the vein tissue.

Sclerotherapy treats the feeder veins that lead to the spider veins, thereby eliminating the root cause of the veins.

Laser therapy

Laser and other light-based therapies are the optimal treatment for spider veins in the face. The Vein Specialists Institute uses a laser specifically for vascular lesions, allowing for effective treatment of spider veins on the face without the risk of blistering.

These treatments generate precise heating to seal the veins. Then, your body absorbs and disposes of the vein tissue naturally.

Vein Specialists Institute also treats varicose veins using methods like sclerotherapy and endovenous laser treatment.

To learn more about spider veins and how Dr Jesser can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, contact the Vein Specialists Institute in La Quinta (760) 564-6633 or Palm Desert today (760) 341-7563, or book an appointment online!